Elizabeth's Rocken Blog

u will taste the rainbow

Hearing is a blessing!


Hearing would have to be to be my fav. Without it I would never be able to hear my own voice and others .Being able to hear would be a bless u know how u get that ringing in your ear and it does not feel good ,sounds like someone is screaming in your ear ,not a great feeling well to me it’s not . It makes your listening skills way better and if u have not heard someone’s voice in a long time like if they went to the army to serve our nations and after all this time u want to hear there voice well yeah .If u can’t hear u will struggle or if u want to become a world wide singer and u can’t find the right pitch that also would be a struggle .I love how I can hear if I could not hear my life would be full of struggles I am glad that I have hearing it makes my life so much easier and better.


If it was taken away I would be very sad I would have to struggle through school learning things and when someone tells me what to do like my mom I would not be able to hear her ,I would miss her voice. Wearing an hearing aid is like wearing a headphone that sticks in your ear and trust me after a while it will hurt .Sometimes  people forget to put on there hearing aid or refuse to . Look  having your hearing taken away is harsh but when a doctor provides some kind hearing devise so that u would not have to hear for the rest of your life wear it at least u have something to at least help u with your hearing if I lost my haring I would wear it even though its not the stylist thing in the world ,but at least I’ll have some kind of way to hear.



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