Elizabeth's Rocken Blog

u will taste the rainbow

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My New Years Resalution.


Hi i’m starting off the new year of 2012,and i’m going to be setting new goals for myself. I’m going to tell you all of them here is a few for school. I want to get better grades i don’t want any marks this new year. I’m going to set a goal for myself at […]

tornado saftey.


When a tornado is coming,you have only a short amount of time to make life and death decision.Advance planning,and quick response are the keys to surviving a tornado.Here is some saftey supplies to have in hand.Flashlight whith extra battries,phones all chargerd,a first aid kit ,food and water,cash,sturdy shoes.A tornado watch means a tornadio is possible […]

crative turkey story


Our family decided to have a thanksgiving dinner like the pilgrims,so we had lots of turky,and ham,and cranberrysauce. My mom asked me if I would looke in the cabnet for some stuffing,but we did’nt have any.I asked my mom if she wanted me to go to the store to pick up stuff for the feast […]

If You Find a 1OO Dollars is it yours to keep


If you find a 100 dollars is it yours to keep NO.It’s not yours to keep ya sure you found it and you want something decent.It’s just like school if you find any money you should turn it in the office,so you should turn it into the police office because that person will probably need […]

Respect Property


Respect property,you need to respect other peoples things,like the school. Never brake someones shool supplies because they did’nt do that to you,so you should’nt do that to them.Respect the teachers things like the computers,desks,chairs,chalboards,markerboards, markers,chalk,just evrything.If you vandilize something thats called bulling other peoples things so don’t do it. On halloween,i know it’s a great […]

Should Kids Get Paid to go to School.


HI my name is Elizabeth and i’m debateing on why kids should not get paid to go to school.There is a lot of people trying to work and,if the kids get paid then the state will not have enough money for the other people that are working in factory’s and other jobs.If the kids get […]



listen to my voki and, it will tell you  what you need to keep in your top secret folder hope you like.

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