Elizabeth's Rocken Blog

u will taste the rainbow

crative turkey story


Our family decided to have a thanksgiving dinner like the pilgrims,so we had lots of turky,and ham,and cranberrysauce. My mom asked me if I would looke in the cabnet for some stuffing,but we did’nt have any.I asked my mom if she wanted me to go to the store to pick up stuff for the feast she said yes,but she gave me a list of stuff we needed.When I got to the store on my bike I went straight to the stuffing,then I went to get the other stuff on the list when I was done I rode back home my mom was asleep ,and I did’nt want to wake her up ,so I took the food ,and cooked thanksgiving by myself.When my mom woke up the feast was done,and my mom was ,so proud of me,and we had a wonderful feast.

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